There was a car accident on the viaduct right above my studio.
Luckily, the car was just barely stopped by the guard rail but it could have come smashing right down onto the sidewalk in front of my shop. Or in it.
All the debris fell on my A-frame sign which is now surrounded by police tape. Eeeeeek!
I hope everyone is okay!
Oh my goodness. That is the craziest story I've heard all day. (I stay away from politics.) :-)
oh man! glad noone was hurt and that your sign survived!
Woah! That was close! Thats the kind of adventure you don't necessarily want to have.
holy crap batman! that is all kinds of NOT-okay! SOooOoO glad you, your studio and your sign are okay! (though the pic of it being trapped behind police tape is priceless! haha!)
Yeah, maybe my poor little sign will make it on the news. I'm terrified to try and get it....I think it might have to live there from now on.
seriously, this could be the BEST advertising for us. people will see the accident, and then the sandwich board, and then think "ooh, funny little ugly baby face. i wonder what store that is!"
so glad you're ok, and hope it wasn't too scary. very awesome pictures.
Yeah, thanks for sending me those news stories -- there were apparently TWO accidents on the viaduct today. And thank goodness -= they both say that no one was injured.
Scary. And not in a fun halloween kind of way.
Yikes! Now that is an odd sort of birthday present...
Super glad you & your shop and everyone else in the near vicinity are all okay!
Glad you're okay, but that photo of the sign and the tape is totally priceless :-)
Holy crap! That's crazy!
Congrats on your fab new found marketing strategy, though. Very smooth. Now that sign has some sexy danger appeal.
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