Musee Mechanique. Turn off your speakers or mute or something before you visit. Seriously. I have done everything within my power to warn you.
We were in San Francisco for Drupalcon (a nerd convention for those obsessed with open source, database driven, content management systems) and a friend suggested we go to Musee Mechanique to check out some of the antique coin-operated machines. They are awesome, and stunning and some of them hilarious.
Of course anything with monkeys is awesome:
And this guy just looks super crazy dumb
And this weird guy with a huge, ugly screaming baby:
And finally - possibly my favorite part of San Francisco. It appears that someone hates Teatro Zinzani as much as I do. Check out the graffiti right on the front of the Teatro Zinzani building itself:
Snort. Snicker. Giggle.