4:15 PM

Oh man...I’m human again

It's true. I got so sick that I not only turned into an actual zombie, but I stopped my whole Giving Up plan. I stopped going to work. I stopped breathing almost. I stopped pretty much everything except laying in bed and moaning, "I don't feel so good." whenever Doug happened to stop playing Wii to make me some tea. Poor guy. Now he has it. He's much tougher than I was though. So, I just wanted to apologize for not updating y'all on my progress. I think the experiment is over for now, but I plan to do a larger project called: Giving Up and Giving Focus -- in the future. Basically I would plan out one year of my life and give up one thing and focus on one thing each week. It would require lots of self discipline and be hard and stuffs. I look forward to it. But right now I'm just going to concentrate on getting well for the big, Buy Stuff Day that's coming up. Doug and I have big plans to wear pajamas all day and watch Mystery Science Theatre movies. I can't be sick for that!


Anonymous said...

Good words.