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I got into a glitter-war with this woman.
I thought I would have a chance since most of my Shower Arts use glitter. I was wrong. Competing in the Glitter-Off was a huge mistake for three reasons:
#1 Rebecca is an artist who has experience with glitter.
#2 Rebecca was recovering from surgery and had huge amounts of free time to devise a plan.
#3 Rebecca is evil.
In the beginning, it was a passing comment during an email exchange about a bARTer Sauce trade -- I don't even remember exactly what -- but something about how we should have some sort of glitter-off competition.
I immediately forgot about it.
But Doug was soon reminded....when he went to get the mail and there was a huge envelope just full of glitter that was getting all over everything.
Well done, Rebecca, well done.
I thought forever about how to get her back but came up with nothing. So I made her a trophy and mailed it to her.
I admit defeat in the 2008 Glitter-Off Championship.
That does not however, mean that I give up my right for revenge.
Now, go watch Rebecca glittering up a pig.
Highly amusing. xoxoxo.
aw super fun! she is sooo dang adorable! reminds me of my hair now i just need the glasses haha
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