12:39 PM

Sauce Traders

Some of the folks that I've traded with through bARTer Sauce send me updates on their shows and such. Now, I have so many of them, that I have to do a whole blog post about them. Rebecca DeVere won Best Local Artist: rebeccadevere.com Voters have no trouble recognizing the artistic talent of local artist Rebecca DeVere. DeVere began her long and fruitful artistic career at 9 and has since produced a wealth of beautiful works, including many eye-catching mosaics. http://www.425magazine.com/article_read.php?articleid=137 Temple Terkildsen's Tasteful Nature Show!
Signature nightscapes, jellyfish, totem animals, seascapes and a handful of collaborative pieces...
Will has an experimental band called PillowSniff.
I told him it sounded like NPR with a beat. Kelly Lyles has a show at 2 Bells through 11/30/09. 2313 4th Ave (Belltown, Seattle) Check out the details on Facebook. Stacy (General Chaos) I just wanted to let you know that I am displaying some of my paintings at Hansen's Florist (4252 Fremont Ave N.) Nik's Show: Check out his art show online since you missed it in person...and since you probably don't live in the same state where it is.