4:32 PM

New Shower Arts and I Heart Rummage Is BACK

Good news my little potatoes! I Heart Rummage is BACK! As you may already know, especially if you live in the Seattle area and don't live under a rock, I Heart Rummage is an Indie Craft Event that used to happen the first Sunday of every month at the Crocodile. Well, it's been on break since the Croc went out of business. Sad. Sad. Sadder! But this coming Sunday, that's right....THIS COMING SUNDAY, March 2, 2008 I Heart Rummage is back! The new location is Chop Suey (1325 E. Madison) on Capitol Hill. AND THEY HAVE BREAKFAST NOW! Come eat eggs and get drunk in the afternoon while you buy stuff that people made with their BARE HANDS (okay, some might wear gloves). It's from noon to four. I'll be there with Doug and Shower Art and my new line of tater tot themed greeting cards. You should stop by. Because even if you don't like Shower Art or tater tot themed greeting cards, there will be tons of other vendors who probably DO make something you like. Plus. You can get drunk. And eat eggs. It's gonna be fun. Here's some new Shower Arts you'll see at I Heart Rummage if you come by THIS SUNDAY!


katy said...

thanks for the info . . .I do live under a rock and I so appreciate the updates regarding above rock living. Missed it today, but maybe next month.