Newest Sauce trade story

Not Sure What I Was Thinking...

Urban Craft Uprising This Weekend

Seattle International Comedy Competition

Frankenscarf Winner Announced -- -

What the heck is a Franken-scarf? Well, you take some old t-shirts, or a jersey top sheet and you sew them into strips. Then you free-motion embroider the heck out of it and a Franken-scarf is born.
Here's another one:

2008 Glitter-Off Championship

I'm SICK -- but Look What I Got
bARTer Sauce is an experiment in trading for art and odd objects. The basic idea: whatever I get, I trade for something else. And then I trade that thing for something else again. And on and on. The only rule: everyone who trades with me has to tell me a story. About anything. Just a story.
First Jen -- I call her Jen Snuffalupagus because she has a really long last name and I can't pronounce it. She traded me these two pieces for a giant painting of a pigface.
Here's us making the trade at my studio:
Then Tara traded me one of the Twisted Tree t-shirts that she designs and screen prints for a painting of a two headed boy.
Here's us making the trade at the EtsyRAIN show in Kenmore.
And finally, the vintage, tattooed farting duck that I got from Nik for a Red Screamer. Here's the awesome farting duckie:

Heck yeah! If you want to trade for anything you saw here, visit bARTer Sauce, create an account and send me a trade offer. There's more available for trade than just what you see here. Check out the full list.
Franken-scarf -- Rahr!

#2 Close up
So....my question is: What would you pay for a Franken-scarf?
They take about three hours to make but the supplies are relatively inexpensive. The t-shirts are free or almost free so far. I have to buy embroidery stabilizer ($1 per scarf), sewing machine needles ($1 per scarf) and thread ($7 per scarf).
Post a comment on this blog with the amount you think I should charge for each Franken-scarf and I'll do a random drawing in two weeks to see who wins their very own Franken-scarf.
I had this idea months ago and dragged out my old sewing machine that I haven't used in about ten years. It kept eating the bobbin thread and sewing in big, crazy annoying stitches so after I took it apart to "fix" it -- I ended up throwing it away.
Which necessitated a trip to Michaels to buy a new sewing machine. I found one that has pre-programmed embroidery patters in it and lets you do free-hand embroidery as well. And it just so happened that I could buy the floor model at a huge discount.
I did.
It's been true love ever since.
Craft Show Sunday

And in other news...the viaduct just fell on my studio...

First Thursday - The Boofday Edition
Here's a close-up of the Evil Teddy Lamp:
I got the best belt ever made by the woman who made the best skirt ever, Betsy. I'm wearing it today and two guys stopped me on the street to tell me how much they liked it. Guys. And I don't think they were being smarmy...I think they actually just liked it.
I got to visit my friend Sara at her art show down the street at 619 Western and deliver her Shower Art I promised her ages ago.
Tim & Veronica brought me Betty Boop paraphenalia and an awesome ring that will totally come in handy if I ever get into a fight. They're awesome!
And Doug, the best husband ever, surprised me with a skirt I fell in love with about 9 months ago in Les Amis. He's been carrying it around in his car for 9 months waiting for surprise me. It worked! Sorry Betsy -- I think I'm going to have to relegate your skirt to number two best skirt in the world. Don't be sad though -- that's still pretty good.
The night was a little bit of a blur -- in part because of the level of activity -- and in part because of the red wine.
Thanks everyone!
Look What I Got - A Double Sauce Post

And then on Wednesday, Gary traded me these four "Punked Up Nun" sculptures. I put them in the window of my shop and people have been walking by all day and shreiking. Awesome.
A close-up of my favorite: Sister Mary Dreadlocks:
If you're asking yourself, "What the hell is she talking about?" then you probably don't know about bARTer Sauce, my experiment in trading for art and odd objects. You should check it out. It's sometimes funny.
Look What I Got

Are you asking yourself rigt now, "What the hell is bARTer Sauce?" Good. Because I'm not telling. Live in wonder. Jerks.
Look What I Got